Why Recruiting is Broken: AI & Automation in the Hiring Processes

Profile Picture of Damien Filiatrault
Damien Filiatrault
Founder & CEO

Recruiting is broken. I don’t say that to be dramatic – I truly believe it. Through traditional job boards, it’s just too easy for candidates to apply for positions they may not be suited for – or even have the qualifications to do. The resulting avalanche of applications and resumes makes it incredibly difficult to separate high-quality candidates from poorly suited ones, and hiring a single candidate in this manner can take days or weeks longer than it should.

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AI is now being touted as the solution to the challenge of sifting through mountains of applications.  But “modern” hiring approaches leveraging AI and automation technology have fallen disappointedly short. 

Automation and AI-based technologies promised to deliver a revolution in hiring processes, simplifying the process of identifying and evaluating candidates. Instead, companies that have become overly reliant on these tools have encountered a new swath of challenges and exacerbated existing, systemic ones. 

Bias in AI models has been staunchly demonstrated. ChatGPT writes job postings that are twice as biased as humans, thanks to a training dataset that favors men and little intervention on the part of humans to rectify it.

Table showing bias exhibited by ChatGPT vs humans in writing job descriptions

AI models used by Ziprecruiter, Career Builder, and LinkedIn have been shown to reinforce gender pay gaps and perpetuate stereotypes. 

All of this leaves us wondering: was hiring always so complicated? 

Of course not. And it doesn’t have to be. Hiring doesn’t need to be the arduous process it is with job boards. But neither should we expect it to be a fully automated process, where AI selects, interviews, and makes offers to candidates without an ounce of human intervention. 

Three Reasons AI Won’t Solve Today’s Hiring Challenges

Originally published on May 30, 2023Last updated on Jun 7, 2023

Key Takeaways

How AI is used in recruitment?

AI tools aim to fix the problem of sifting through large quantities of resumes and CVs. These tools are being used to solve this hiring problem rather than looking at key foundational issues like how to attract high-quality candidates.

Is AI good for recruitment?

AI can improve the recruiting process by automating tasks like filtering candidates and scheduling interviews, as well as assisting with skill assessment and creating interview questions. However, it's crucial to combine AI with a human review to consider intangible qualities and maintain a balanced and effective recruitment process.

What are the issues with using AI for hiring?

Automation and AI-based technologies promise to revolutionize the hiring process by simplifying how candidate are identifed and evaluated. But there are some issues that AI tools are not able to solve:
-AI Tools Exacerbate Existing Bias in Hiring
-Leaders Lack Transparency Into how AI Tools Make Decisions
-Depersonalization and Loss of Human Touch