A 3-Step-Guide on How to Hire a Software Developer

Profile Picture of Osiris Villa
Osiris Villa
Talent Specialist and Senior QA Engineer
A woman with a magnifying glass looking at software developers profiles

If you’re in the market to hire a software developer, you have likely discovered – or will discover – some of the challenges associated with acquiring tech talent. The demand for freelance software developers is at an all-time high, making it especially difficult to find and hire the best people right now. This doesn’t change the fact that who you hire is one of the most important business decisions you’ll make for your company. A bad hire can waste time, set you back financially and negatively impact your team’s morale. 

Needless to say, getting the right people onto your team is a necessary challenge, and it all boils down to the effectiveness of your hiring strategy. We’ve learned through experience that acquiring great talent comes from having a great process in place. To help you with this, we’re sharing our hiring guide so you can have a better understanding of how our process works behind the scenes. 

Acquiring the right talent is the most important key to growth. Hiring was – and still is – the most important thing we do.

Marc Benioff, Founder, Chairman and co-CEO of Salesforce

Table Of Contents

Three steps for hiring remote software developers.

Step 1: Define the Role and Type of Developer You Want

An excellent hiring strategy starts with understanding the basics of the role you need to fill. Take time to visualize your ideal candidate, determine a budget and a timeline, and set the stage with expectations. This will create clear intentions for you and your team before you bring anyone new on board. It will also eliminate uncertainty for candidates and give them the opportunity to demonstrate their qualifications during the interview process.

Here are some steps you can take to define your role.

Define the Basics

Originally published on Jun 23, 2021Last updated on Jan 4, 2024

Key Takeaways

How do I find a software developer to hire?

Set yourself up for success by writing a solid job description that defines key requirements and attracts suitable candidates. A good hiring strategy consists of a thorough vetting process that tests both soft and technical skills. Choose whether it makes sense for you to hire a company to carry out your vetting process for you or invest the time to do it right yourself.

Is it hard to hire software developers?

Hiring developers is fraught with challenges so building a team can be difficult for hiring managers. Finding people who fit your team well and have the right qualities and qualifications will require a complete and thorough candidate assessment process. Quality developers share specific characteristics. Knowing what these are and how to identify them will improve your chances of hiring the right people. 

How much does it cost to hire a software designer?

The cost of hiring a freelance developer will ultimately depend on the skill set of the role you’re looking to fill and the country you hire from. The average hourly rate for software developers from Latin America is $53.00. With thriving startup ecosystems, governments investing in education and tech, and growing talent pools, the region is rich with technological progress and and is an excellent source for hiring.