How to Develop and Test Software with Continuous Integration (CI)

Profile Picture of Andres Canal
Andres Canal
Senior Full-stack Mobile Developer
A line of boxes integrating more components in each box

Have you ever experienced the frustration of cloning a repository and encountering a litany of errors, from missing files to compiler warnings? Working on a new project is already challenging enough, with new tools, code, and logic to learn, and adding a broken build on top of that only creates further complexity for newcomers.

Thankfully, there are several solutions to address this issue, ranging from the inexpensive readme.txt file to the more complex but efficient Continuous Integration (CI) solution. In this article, we’ll focus on the latter and explore its benefits.

While setting up a CI solution can be complex, the benefits are worth the investment for any development team. Smoother development processes, early bug detection, and increased code quality are just a few of the benefits that a well-designed CI solution can provide.

Table Of Contents

What is Continuous Integration (CI)?

Continuous Integration is a development practice that involves integrating code changes into a codebase multiple times a day. A typical Continuous Integration process may look like the following:

Diagram of Continuous Integration steps.

Logically, we start by making any desired changes to the code. Once done, we run Unit Tests on this new code. If these tests complete successfully, we can move to the final step: Integration. This is where we merge the newly tested code into the codebase, and optionally create a new build or deploy the code to a staging environment.

How Continuous Integration Makes Testing More Efficient

Implementing Continuous Integration in your development workflow can be incredibly efficient for several reasons. First and foremost, it significantly reduces the likelihood of broken code reaching the main codebase and causing your project to become non-functional.

Originally published on Mar 7, 2018Last updated on Apr 12, 2023

Key Takeaways

Does continuous integration include testing?

Yes, continuous integration (CI) includes testing as a key component of the development process. Testing is integrated into CI to ensure that code changes don't break the existing functionality of the application. CI ensures that the tests are run automatically each time new code is committed, so developers can catch and fix issues quickly before they become more significant problems.

What are the tests in continuous integration?

In continuous integration, different types of tests can be performed, including unit tests, integration tests, functional tests, and acceptance tests. Unit tests check the individual components of the code, integration tests ensure that multiple components work correctly together, functional tests test the system's functionality, and acceptance tests check if the application meets the stakeholders' requirements.

Why are tests important in the CI workflow?

Tests are essential in the CI workflow because they help detect issues and errors early in the development process. By automating the testing process in CI, developers can identify and fix issues quickly, making the development process more efficient and productive. Additionally, testing helps ensure the code quality and stability of the application, reducing the likelihood of bugs and errors occurring in production.