How to Use the Fibonacci Scale to Estimate Story Points

Profile Picture of Tomás Gutiérrez Meoz
Tomás Gutiérrez Meoz
Software Architect
Card on a table with the Fibonacci sequence on them

We focus on processes to effectively and efficiently develop digital products. One of our processes is using Agile Development, which includes using Agile Story Points to assign a common definition to the effort required to complete tasks.

Table Of Contents

What is the modified Fibonacci Sequence?

In this post, we’ll focus on the modified Fibonacci Sequence0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc – as an exponential complexity scale (good discussion on why, other than the cool name).

This definition of complexity should be shared by a whole team, from developers, product owners, project managers, executives, to anyone else who’d like to understand the nuances and complexities of developing digital products within this framework. The framework allows you and the organization to have visibility into timelines, complexity, budget, and staffing.

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Why Use the Fibonacci Sequence for Estimation in Agile?

Why do we need this? Because humans are bad at estimating effort, especially when complexity increases. In software development, large features have hidden complexities that don’t become apparent until one is “in the weeds.”

However, every team is different. The purpose of using Agile Story Points is to agree on software project estimates in order to most effectively plan and execute product development (sprints, tasks, etc.).

Agile Story Points: Modified Fibonacci Sequence

Originally published on Feb 26, 2015Last updated on Mar 1, 2024

Key Takeaways

How do you use Fibonacci for story points?

We use Fibonacci story points to estimate the complexity of a project. With the Fibonacci sequence (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13), 0 represents the simplest tasks that take minutes to complete, whereas 13 represents the most complex projects that may take weeks or months.

Do story points have to be Fibonacci?

No, story points are a series of numbers that help estimate and measure how long a task or project will take. As long as you and your team can estimate project complexity using a shared method, that’s all that matters.

How many hours are 13 story points?

13 story points should not be estimated in hours, but multiple weeks or a month.