Top iOS Interview Questions [2024]

iOS developers build applications for mobile devices powered by the iOS operating system. They build, test, and refine mobile applications for Apple iOS. Interviewing iOS candidates commonly consists of basic and advanced questions to assess technical ability. We sourced these questions from the iOS community based on developers’ own interview experience and what our clients found important to ask.

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iOS Interview Questions and Answers

These are the types of questions typically asked during iOS interviews. We created them to help you test your understanding of the popular programming language, or guide your initial technical screening with iOS candidates.

Can you explain closures to a new Swift developer?
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What is the difference between App ID and Bundle ID?
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How does the Apple Developer Program membership use certificates?
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What is your experience with Accessibility tools on iOS?
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Can you explain Mac Catalyst and its functionality?
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Can you describe the four layers of the iOS architecture and the role of each layer?
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Can you list the possible states in which an iOS application can be and the states to which the app can transition?
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What is ARC in the Swift programming language, what is it for, and how does it work?
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What is a lazy variable, and how does it work?
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What does KVO mean, and what considerations must be taken in Swift to achieve it?
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What is a phantom type in Swift, and what is it for?
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What is Display P3, and what considerations should be taken when developing for wide gamut displays?
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What does deep linking mean on iOS, and what are the options to implement deep links? What are the differences between these options?
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What is the difference between self and Self in Swift, and what are the main uses of both?
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What is a variadic function, and how do you implement one in Swift? How would you make a variadic function that accepts multiple types?
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What is the difference between argument labels and parameter names in function parameters? Can you write a function without an argument label or name?
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How would you use the targetEnvironment() compilation condition in Swift, and what is a common use case for it? Please provide a code snippet of a conditional compilation block using targetEnvironment(), with comments indicating what each block does.
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Can you describe the process for configuring in-app purchases in an iOS app?
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What are RealityKit and ARKit, and how do they differ from each other?
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This list isn't exhaustive, and interviewing typically includes an assessment of soft skills and technical ability through a take-home assignment or live coding exercise. You can learn more about hiring here.

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