Good vs Great Programmers: 7 Qualities That Make the Difference

Profile Picture of Damien Filiatrault
Damien Filiatrault
Founder & CEO
Three developers next to the numbers zero and one

Great programmers are rare. Their productivity is 3 times that of an average developer and 10 times that of a bad developer. The top 1% of developers in the world don’t just write solid code but have important intangible traits. After working with thousands of developers, we have been able to identify 7 qualities that set a great programmer apart from the crowd.

“The best programmers are up to 28 times better than the worst programmers”

– Robert. L. Glass

Table Of Contents

7 qualities of great programmers.

1. A Positive Attitude

A great programmer cares about your product’s success. They are positive, willing to go the distance to get the job done and bring their best every day. Although it’s important not to exhaust a developer with frequent urgent deadlines, crunch time is sometimes unavoidable. When you need to bring a product to market or need to ship a certain feature out for a deadline, a great programmer will step up and get the product released whenever possible. Because they care. A great developer doesn’t let their ego get in the way of constructive criticism. A good way to instill a positive attitude is to give them interesting projects to work on, give them a sense of ownership, and praise them for good work. Startups can give out stock options, pay employees for working overtime, provide compensated paid leave, or find other perks that ensure great programmers are retained.

How to Test a Positive Attitude

During an interview, you can test a developer’s positive attitude by asking behavioral questions that prompt them to describe challenging situations they’ve faced and how they maintained a positive outlook. You can also present hypothetical scenarios to gauge their reaction and observe if they approach challenges with optimism and resilience.

Example interview question for testing a developer's positive attitude with what a bad, decent and good answer would include.
Originally published on Aug 3, 2021Last updated on Jan 4, 2024

Key Takeaways

What makes a good software developer?

A good software developer is positive, committed, and communicative. They effectively manage time and tasks, quickly learn new skills, and possess extensive technical expertise. As strong team players, they consider the broader impact of their work, constantly striving for success in their projects. They are also adaptable, receptive to feedback, and excel in problem-solving.

What are the most important skills for a programmer?

The most important skills for a programmer to have are:
- Proficiency in programming languages
- Problem-solving skills
- Deep and broad technical experience
- Attention to detail
- Creativity and innovation
- Big-picture focus
- Time and task management skills
- Collaboration and communication skills
These skills, coupled with meticulous attention to detail, empower programmers to write efficient, bug-free code and tackle complex challenges with precision.

What are the top 3 things that make a successful developer?

Successful developers possess three key traits:
- A passion for coding
- A dedication to continuous learning and improvement
- A collaborative mindset.
These attributes drive their success by fueling their enthusiasm, enabling them to adapt to evolving technologies, and fostering effective teamwork and communication to deliver exceptional projects.