Top .NET Interview Questions [2024]

.NET is a cross-platform, open-source framework for building a wide variety of applications, including web and mobile. Interviewing .NET candidates commonly consists of basic and advanced questions to assess technical ability. We sourced these questions from the .NET community based on developers’ own interview experience and what our clients found important to ask.

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.NET Interview Questions and Answers

These are the types of questions typically asked during .NET interviews. We created them to help you test your understanding of the popular programming language, or guide your initial technical screening with .NET candidates.

How would you determine the most suitable .NET implementation for building an application, considering the various options available (e.g. .NET Core, .NET Framework, .NET Standard, Xamarin)?
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What is LINQ and in what cases can it be utilized?
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What is the difference between MVC (Model-View-Controller) and MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) and in which scenarios are they commonly used?
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What are the differences between managed and unmanaged code and why would you choose .NET over C or C++?
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How can you create a library that can be utilized by both .NET Core and .NET Framework applications?
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What are the differences between `Dispose()` and `Finalize()` methods in .NET?
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What is the difference between an abstract and an interface type in .NET?
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What is the difference between value type and reference type?
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Can you list and briefly describe the access modifiers you know in C#?
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What is a delegate in .NET? Give an example of when you would use it.
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Can you describe the three layers of MVC architecture?
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Can you describe what boxing and unboxing in .NET is?
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Can you explain the purpose of the <appSettings> section of configuration files .NET?
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Can you describe the memory types that .NET supports and how garbage collector interacts with them?
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What is the purpose of an Assembly in .NET?
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Can you describe how heap memory is used in .NET?
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What is the purpose of generics in .NET?
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How many languages does .NET support? Can you give examples of when to use each?
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What is reflection in .NET? Can you give an example of when to use it?
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What are dynamic objects in .NET and how you can use them?
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This list isn't exhaustive, and interviewing typically includes an assessment of soft skills and technical ability through a take-home assignment or live coding exercise. You can learn more about hiring here.

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