Five Features That Make Kotlin a Better Language Than Java [From a Java Developer]

Profile Picture of Abdurahman Adilovic
Abdurahman Adilovic
Senior Mobile Developer
Man and woman in front of a mobile phone, between two frames with Kotlin and Java logo

Today, I want to talk about Kotlin, the latest challenger to Java’s crown. Specifically, I’d like to compare the two within the context of Android development. 

In the years I’ve worked with Java, I’ve frequently run into issues I wish the language would handle directly so I could spend more time creating apps, and less time wrestling with workarounds. I’ve come to the conclusion that Java is a second-class citizen when compared with other languages, like C# or Scala. 

That’s why I was so blown away when I first used Kotlin. It wasn’t just an iterative improvement (solving some issues and creating others) but a close to complete solution to Java’s persistent issues. It’s safe to say I’m now a paid-up member of the Kotlin hype train, jumping on board the moment Google officially supported it. Hopefully, by the time you’ve read through this article, you will be too. 

Before you read on though, indulge me for one second. Stop and think about your own experiences with Java and come up with a mental list of 5 things that annoy you the most. Chances are as you read through this you’ll realize that Kotlin has addressed all of them. That’s a real achievement.

Table Of Contents

Five Java Problems that Kotlin Solves

Kotlin vs Java: A Comparison of How Each Solves Programming Challenges

To get you started, here is my list of things that frustrate me about Java. I’ll get into the specifics of how Kotlin elegantly addresses all 5 in the next section.

1. Data classes. As with any Android app, server communication is crucial, and creating lots of data classes with ‘getters’, ‘setters’, ‘overriding equals’ and ‘hashcode implementations’ is no fun in Java.

2. Async calls. Java has no mechanism for easy ‘async’ execution, except callbacks.

Originally published on Sep 17, 2021Last updated on Mar 13, 2024

Key Takeaways

Is Kotlin better than Java?

Today, many developers are opting for Kotlin over Java for new Android apps. Kotlin is an official supported language by Google, and offers many attractive features. It also has a strong community and comes with extensive documentation. Even though integrating Kotlin requires some minor steps, its advantages outweigh any drawbacks.

Is Kotlin going to replace Java?

While Kotlin likely won’t replace Java completely, it is often preferable for new Android apps. Kotlin is an Android-specific programming language inspired by Java and offers developers a streamlined coding experience with its concise syntax. However, developers may still opt for Java for client-side and web applications.

Is Kotlin only used for Android?

While Kotlin is typically used for Android apps, it is a versatile language that’s suitable for a wide range of development tasks. This includes server-side and client-side web. What’s more, Kotlin/Native is in development, meaning that support for other platforms - like embedded systems, macOS, and iOS - are coming.

Is Kotlin an OOP language?

Kotlin incorporates both object-oriented and functional programming features. It offers flexibility, allowing developers to utilize it in both object-oriented and functional programming paradigms, or blend elements from both. With robust support for concepts like higher-order functions, function types, and lambdas, Kotlin is an excellent option for those engaging in or exploring functional programming.