When to Use NoSQL vs SQL: The Ultimate Guide for Choosing a Database

Profile Picture of John Kapantzakis
John Kapantzakis
Senior Developer
A 3D database on a floor of circuits

There was a time when SQL databases were the de-facto choice when developing a new application. In recent years, NoSQL databases have become a popular alternative.

Choosing between a SQL vs NoSQL database is now an important technological decision for back-end developers, and recognizing when to use one over the other is an important skill to have. Beyond that, the choice of which type of database to use can determine whether a project will run smoothly or experience technical difficulties as it grows.

In this article, we’ll explore the differentiating factors between the two database types and when one outperforms the other. We’ll see that a key factor in making a decision is being able to recognize the type of data that your application has to handle and then using that to determine which technology is best suited for your situation.

First, we’ll need to quickly explore the technical principles behind the two classes of databases so we can recognize what sets them apart to inform our future decisions.

Table Of Contents

What are SQL Databases?

SQL databases are the older and more widely used of the two data storage systems. Examples of the most popular SQL databases include:

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • MariaDB
Examples of SQL databases.

SQL databases are classified as relational databases which follow the relational model proposed by E. F. Codd in 1970. The relational model introduced the idea of organizing data as tuples, also known as rows, that are grouped into relations, also known as tables. 

Originally published on Mar 16, 2021Last updated on Jan 23, 2023

Key Takeaways

What are SQL databases?

SQL databases are classified as relational databases which follow the relational model proposed by E. F. Codd in 1970. The relational model introduced the idea of organizing data as tuples, also known as rows, that are grouped into relations, also known as tables. 

What are NoSQL databases?

The term NoSQL appeared in the early 2000s and has gained popularity since then. The popularization of NoSQL systems began as the result of the need for scalability and flexibility, especially from tech giants handling large and diverse sets of data.

What's the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases?

SQL databases are suited for applications where the integrity of the data is important. If you have an application that handles critical data like financial information, you should use a relational database in order to be sure that any query you make will get you the correct response and that you will not accidentally lose any data. In this case, you want to have the maximum consistency, possibly by sacrificing a level of availability in comparison to NoSQL.